New Zealand PR Points Calculator

NZ Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa Points Allocation

The Kiwi government has its unique way of qualifying highly skilled immigrants and identifying them via a pointing-based system to attain PR under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Visa.

SMC is the path that skilled people qualify for to gain a permanent residence visa. This is managed and pivoted by Immigration New Zealand under the Immigration Act [2009]. Currently, New Zealand has a target of inviting 26,000 immigrants under this SMC system.

The New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Visa is a highly sought-after visa program for skilled workers looking to move to New Zealand for work and residency. It is designed to attract talented and experienced workers to fill in-demand roles and contribute to the country's economy.

The SMC Visa is a points-based system that requires six points to qualify. The six points can be obtained from either qualification, NZ income, or NZ occupational registration.

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New Zealand Residence Visa points system: New SMC visa points split up

The New Zealand SMC/Residence points are allocated as follows:

Educational Qualifications

New Zealand Income

New Zealand Occupational Registration

You are allowed to claim three to six points based on criteria including your qualification, New Zealand occupational registration, and income.

You can earn up to 3 points for skilled work experience in New Zealand. Each year of experience is worth 1 point, which can be added to the points gained from your qualification, occupational registration, or income in New Zealand.

However, please note that the points cannot be combined between different skill categories. This means that points from your qualification cannot be combined with points from your income and vice versa.


Your eligibility for claiming points is determined by the level and qualification you hold on the NZQA, allowing you to claim a minimum of 3 to 6 points.

Points allotted for Educational Qualifications:

Qualifications (Equivalent under NZQA) Points
Level 7 - Bachelor’s Degree 3
Level 8 - Postgraduate Certificate 3
Level 8 - Bachelor’s Honors Degree 4
Level 8 - Postgraduate Diploma 4
Level 9 - Master’s Degree 5
Level 10 - Doctoral Degree 6

New Zealand Income

It is necessary to hold a job or a job offer with the below-mentioned criteria.

Points allotted for New Zealand Income:

Wage Threshold Points
Job or job offer in New Zealand - 1.5 times the median wage (currently NZD $44.49 an hour) or more. 3
Job or job offer in New Zealand - 2 times the median wage (currently NZD $59.32 an hour) or more. 4
Job or job offer in New Zealand - 3 times the median wage (currently NZD $88.98 an hour) or more. 6

New Zealand Occupational Registration

To be able to score points, your occupation registration in New Zealand must be eligible.

If your occupation is listed as eligible for registration in New Zealand, you can accumulate points by utilizing your registration, with higher-value points rewarded for registrations requiring additional training.

Points allotted for New Zealand occupational registration:

Requirements Points
Registration requires at least 2 years of experience and/or training. 3
Registration requires at least 4 years of experience and/or training. 4
Registration requires at least 5 years of experience and/or training. 5
Registration requires at least 6 years of experience and/or training. 6

Skilled Job or Job Offer

To qualify, one must hold a skilled job offer or be presently working in New Zealand from a recognized employer.

The following criteria must be met to be considered for points from the job offer or skilled job in New Zealand:

Should have a permanent job or a fixed-term contract with a minimum of 6 to 12 months of service.

Must work at least 30 hours a week.

Must either have a job or job offer in ANZSCO 4–5 with a median wage paid above 1.5 times, or in ANZSCO 1–3 paid above the median wage (Median Wage - $29.66 NZD).

The skilled work experience in New Zealand can be combined either with educational qualifications, NZ income, or NZ registration to obtain a total of 6 points. 1 to 3 points can be obtained

Number of skilled work experience Points
Have 1 year of work experience in NZ in the last 2 years 1
Have 2 years of work experience in NZ in the last 4 years 2
Have 3 years of work experience in NZ in the last 5 years 3

What Is Competent, Proficient, and Superior English Level in New Zealand Immigration?

Levels IELTS score PTE score
Competent English Level A minimum score of 6 for each component A minimum score of 50 for each component
Proficient English Level A minimum score of 7 for each component A minimum score of 65 for each component
Superior English Level A minimum score of 8 for each component A minimum score of 79 for each component

Benefits of a New Zealand PR visa

  1. You can live, work, travel and study in New Zealand indefinitely without any restrictions
  2. You can avail medical facilities at subsidized rates as well as social security benefits
  3. Your children shall be eligible for free education at state-run schools and universities
  4. You can sponsor your relatives to apply for permanent resident visas, provided
  5. they meet the residency and assurance of support requirements
  6. You can apply for New Zealand citizenship after staying in the country for several years, needless to say that you fulfil all their other criteria such as basic usage of English language, communicative skills, good character, and a clear intent to continue staying in the country
  7. Children born in New Zealand shall automatically gain citizenship of the country by birth

Who is eligible to apply for a New Zealand Residence Visa?

  1. Be under 55 years of age.
  2. Should at least hold a bachelor's degree.
  3. Must have at least 6 to 8 years of experience.
  4. Should demonstrate English Proficiency Skills.
  5. Proof of Identity.
  6. You must be of good health and character.
  7. You must hold a New Zealand skilled job offer from an accredited employer or be presently working in New Zealand.
  8. You can hold any New Zealand Occupational Registration to qualify for the visa.
  9. The educational qualifications must be recognized in New Zealand.
  10. To be eligible for points, your job's income should exceed the median wage by 1.5 times.

How GreenTree Immigration can help you to attain New Zealand PR:

GreenTree Immigration is the only immigration consultant who owes In-depth process knowledge on New Zealand Immigration. Our highly skilled professionals can guide you through the process with ease and our success stories talks for us instead. With GreenTree Immigration your NZ PR dream is active and safe. We have been ranked as the #1 Genuine and Authorized New Zealand Immigration consultant in India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How many points are required to qualify for a New Zealand Residence Visa?

Ans : It is mandatory to obtain six points to be eligible to apply for an NZ SMC visa.

Is a job offer or work experience in NZ mandatory for a New Zealand SMC visa?

Yes, to apply for a NZ resident visa, it is mandatory to have a job offer from an accredited employer in NZ.

What is NZQA?

The New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) is a skill-assessing body that assesses your educational qualifications to check if they are equivalent to NZ standards.

IS IELTS or PTE mandatory for NZ Immigration?

Yes, IELTS, PTE, or any accepted English language test score is mandatory for the NZ Residence visa process.

What are the minimum points required for New Zealand immigration?

6 points are the minimum points required for New Zealand immigration, along with a job offer in NZ.

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