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Canada Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

Why GreenTree Immigration Canada CRS Score calculator?

Canada Immigration is increasing day by day, with the number of prospects applying for Canada permanent residency. With flooding applications, how does the Canadian government choose the right candidates? The selecting factor would be your Express Entry Canada CRS score.

The Canada CRS score is a number given to Express Entry applicants based on their profile. It influences their pool ranking and the possibility of obtaining an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in Canada. In other words, your CRS score defines your nomination and ITA from IRCC. The Canada immigration express entry uses CRS to rank the applicants who have applied for permanent residency. IRCC nominates your profile based on a ranking-based scoring system named the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). The higher the CRS score, the faster you secure the nomination from the IRCC. Irrespective of your score in the Canada PR eligibility calculator (FSW score). Since the number of applications submitted is on the higher end, the Canadian government selects highly skilled potential candidates using the system Express Entry but evaluates the candidates with their CRS score which is scored out of 1200.
The two major factors involved in obtaining an ITA are;
1) The highest score in the pool; and
2) The occupational demand by the employers.

CRS Score Calculator: Calculate Your Canada CRS Score

Marital Status


Your spouse or common-law partner Accompanying you to Canada?

Spouse’s or common-law partner’s level of education

spose level of edu

Spouse's or Common-law partner's English/French Language Skills (CLB Level)

spouse lang

Spouse's Canadian work experience

spouse experience

Your Age


Level of Education


First Official Language (English)









Second Official Language (French)









Canadian Work Experience


Combination of Education and IELTS


Combination of Experience and IELTS


Brother or Sister living in Canada (citizen or Permanent resident)


Strong French


Post Secondary Education in Canada


Arranged Employement


PNP Nomination


Your Final Total Score


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Canada CRS Score

Express Entry manages three programs, they are:

Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)

Federal Skilled Trades (FST)

Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

Know your best chances of obtaining a Canada PR. Use our free CRS score calculator and calculate your points to live and settle in Canada as a PR. After the Canada PR calculation, you can apply for permanent residency Canada.

Canada CRS Calculator

The total CRS score is 1200 points, which is divided into two parts. The first 600 consists of your skills and the remaining 600 is issued by the state government of Canada and other additional factors. The CRS points are split into the following ways:To apply for the Canada permanent resident process, you will need to have your CRS score calculated using Canada Immigration Points Calculator.

  1. Core/Human Capital Factors: These include points for age, qualification, work experience, and language. This comprises overall 500 points for unmarried applicants and 460 for married applicants.
  2. Spouse or common-law partner factors: These include the Spouse or common-law partner’s language skills and education. This part is applicable only to applicants who have a spouse/Common-law partner to accompany them. This comprises 40 Points for spouse attributes.
  3. Skills transferability: This section provides additional scores to your profile by accessing it based on the combination of factors mentioned above For instance: • a combination of your Education and IELTS (50 points) or • a combination of your Work experience and IELTS (50 Points)
  4. Additional points: This section awards 600 additional points for arranged employment (positive Labour Market Impact Assessment required) or Provincial Nomination.

How to calculate CRS score in 2025?

Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Transferability factors = Maximum 600 points

The total CRS score is 1200 which is split into 600 (Human capital + Skill Transferability) and the other 600 (Additional factors). The CRS score on your profile is calculated based on a consolidation of the four factors below:

Factor CRS Score Without Spouse CRS Score With Spouse
Core Human Capital Factors 500 460
Spouse Factor Not Applicable 40
Skills Transferability 100 100
PNP+Additional Points 600 (Max) 600 (Max)
Total 1200 1200

Core/Human Capital Factors

Your age, education qualifications concerning the ECA (Educational Credential Assessment), language proficiency, and work experience are considered the core/human capital factors.

The maximum you can score here is 450 with spouse and 500 without spouse.

Factors [Max. points] Points per factor [With a spouse or common-law partner] Points per factor [Without a spouse or common-law partner]
Age 100 110
Level of education 140 150
Official languages proficiency 150 160
Canadian work experience 70 80
Total CRS score 500 460

Spouse Or Common-Law Partner Factors

This is exclusively for candidates accompanying their spouse or common-law partners to migrate to Canada as a permanent resident. A maximum of 40 points can be obtained from the human capital factors.

Factors Points per factor
Level of education 10
Official language proficiency 20
Canadian Work Experience 10
Total 40

Skill Transferability Factors

Consolidation of your educational level, foreign work experience, and certificate of qualification combined are your overall points for skills transferability. A maximum of 50 points can only be claimed under this section.

Education Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
Superior level of official language proficiency and a post-secondary degree 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree 50
Foreign work experience (India) Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
Superior official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark [CLB 7] or higher) and foreign work experience 50
With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience 50
Certificate of qualification (for people in trade occupations) Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
Superior official language proficiency and a certificate of qualification 50

Additional Points (Maximum 600 Points)

You can obtain a maximum of 600 points under this section in two ways.

You may get an additional 600 points for nomination from any Canadian province which is Provincial Nominee Program Canada.

You can get an additional points with the following:

  1. Arranged employment: TEER 0 Major group 00 - 200
  2. Arranged employment: NOC TEER 1, 2, or 3, or any TEER 0 other than Major group 00 - 50
  3. Brother or sister living in Canada (citizen or permanent resident) - 15
  4. Post-secondary education in Canada - 30
  5. French language skills - 50
  6. Brother or sister living in Canada (citizen or permanent resident) - 15

Free Canada PR Calculator Tool 2025

Are you a skilled worker looking to check your eligibility for Canada PR Visa? Use our Federal Skilled Worker Canada PR point calculator and know your eligibility in seconds.

How to calculate CRS score in 2025

All applicants who create their Express Entry profile are given a score based on factors that play important role in economic success of the immigrants once they migrate to Canada

Core / human capital factors

Your age, education, language proficiency, and Canadian work experience are considered the core/ human capital factors. The maximum you can score here is 450 with spouse and 500 without spouse.

Factors Points per factor – With a spouse or common-law partner (500) Points per factor - Without a spouse or common-law partner (460)
Age 100 110
Level of education 140 150
Official languages proficiency 150 160
Canadian work experience 70 80

B. Spouse or common-law partner factors

This is exclusively for those candidates who are accompanying their spouse or common-law partners. A maximum of 40 points can be obtained as a part of the human capital factors.

Factors Points per factor (Maximum 40 points)
Level of education 10
Official language proficiency 20
Canadian Work Experience 10

C. Skill Transferability factors (Maximum 100 points)

A consolidation of your educational level (maximum 50 points), foreign work experience (maximum 50 points), and certificate of qualification (maximum 50 points) clubs your overall points for skills transferability.

Education Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official languages proficiency and a post-secondary degree 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree 50
Foreign work experience (india) Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official languages proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark [CLB] level 7 or higher) and foreign work experience 50
With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience 50
Certificate of qualification (for people in trade occupations) Points per factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official languages proficiency and a certificate of qualification 50

A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Transferability factors = Maximum 600 points

D. Additional points (Maximum 600 points)

You may get an additional 600 points for nomination from any Canadian province or 200 -> arranged employment, 30 -> Canadian study, 50 -> French language proficiency besides English, and 15 -> siblings residing in Canada.

Education Maximum points per factor
Brother or sister living in Canada (citizen or permanent resident) 15
French language skills 50
Post-secondary education in Canada ( 1 & 2 Years) 15
Post-secondary education in Canada ( 3 Years or more) 30
Arranged employment (NOC O,A,B) 50
Arranged employment (NOC O,A,B) 200
PN nomination 600

A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors + C. Transferability factors + D. Additional points = Grand total – Maximum 1,200 points

CRS Points breakdown, section by section

CRS – A. Core / human capital factors
With a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 460 points total for all factors.
Without a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 500 points total for all factors.

Age With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 100 points) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 110 points)
17 years of age or less 0 0
18 years of age 90 99
19 years of age 95 105
20 to 29 years of age 100 110
30 years of age 95 105
31 years of age 90 99
32 years of age 85 94
33 years of age 80 88
34 years of age 75 83
35 years of age 70 77
36 years of age 65 72
37 years of age 60 66
38 years of age 55 61
39 years of age 50 55
40 years of age 45 50
41 years of age 35 39
42 years of age 25 28
43 years of age 15 17
44 years of age 05 06
45 years of age 0 0
Level of Education With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 140 points) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 150 points)
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 0
Secondary diploma (high school graduation) 28 30
One-year degree, diploma or certificate from a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 84 90
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 91 98
Bachelor's degree OR a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 112 120
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 119 128
Master's degree, OR professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree,” the degree program must have been in: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, 126 135
optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.)
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 140 150

Official languages proficiency - first official language
Maximum points for each ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening):
32 with a spouse or common-law partner
34 without a spouse or common-law partner

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 128 points) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 136 points)
Less than CLB 4 0 0
CLB 4 or 5 06 06
CLB 6 08 09
CLB 7 16 17
CLB 8 22 23
CLB 9 29 31
CLB 10 or more 32 34

Official languages proficiency - second official language
Maximum points for each ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening):
6 with a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 22 points)
6 without a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 24 points)

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 22 points) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 24 points)
CLB 4 or less 0 0
CLB 5 or 6 01 01
CLB 7 or 8 03 03
CLB 9 or more 06 07
Canadian work experience With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 70 points) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 80 points)
None or less than a year 0 0
1 year 35 40
2 years 46 53
3 Years 56 64
4 years 63 72
5 years or more 70 80

Subtotal: A. Core / human capital factors
With a spouse or common-law partner – Maximum 460 points
Without a spouse or common-law partner – Maximum 500 points

CRS – B. Spouse or common-law partner factors (if applicable)

Spouse’s or common-law partner’s level of education With spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 10 points) Without spouse or common-law partner (Does not apply)
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 n/a
Secondary school (high school graduation) 02 n/a
One-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 06 n/a
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical in school, or other institute 07 n/a
Bachelor's degree OR a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 08 n/a
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 09 n/a
Master's degree, or professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree”, the degree program must have been in: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry 10 n/a
law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.)
Doctoral level university degree (PhD) 10 n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.
Spouse's or common-law partner's official languages proficiency - first official language

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening ) Maximum 20 points for section Maximum 5 points per ability Without spouse or common-law partner (Does not apply)
CLB 4 or less 0 n/a
CLB 5 or 6 01 n/a
CLB 7 or 8 03 n/a
CLB 9 or more 05 n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.

Spouse's Canadian work experience Maximum 10 points Without spouse or common-law partner (Does not apply)
None or less than a year 0 n/a
1 year 05 n/a
2 years 07 n/a
3 years 08 n/a
4 years 09 n/a
5 years or more 10 n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.
Subtotal : A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors = Maximum 500 points
CRS – C. Skill transferability factors (Maximum 100 points for this section) Education

With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher) and a post-secondary degree Points for CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, with one or more under CLB 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree Points for education + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for education + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50

Foreign work experience – With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher)

Years of experience Points for foreign work experience + CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience 25 50

Foreign work experience – With Canadian work experience

Years of experience Points for foreign work experience + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience 25 50
Certificate of qualification (trade occupations) – With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 5 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 7 Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 7 or more on all four first official language abilities
[CLB] 5 or higher) (Maximum 25 points) (Maximum 50 points)
With a certificate of qualification 25 50

Subtotal: A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors - Maximum 600 points
CRS – D. Additional points (Maximum 600 points)

Additional points Maximum 600 points
Brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada 15
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or didn’t take an English test) 15
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills 30
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential of one or two years 15
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential three years or longer 30
Arranged employment - NOC 00 200
Arranged employment – any other NOC 0, A or B 50
Provincial or territorial nomination 600

Subtotal: D. Additional points – Maximum 600 points
Grand total: A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors + D. Additional points = Maximum 1,200 points

How to boost your CRS score in 2025?

Re-attempt IELTS:

Re-taking IELTS and achieving more than your current score can boost your CRS score. Also taking up French language tests can boost your CRS by 74 points.

Apply For Eligible Provincial Nominee Program Canada

Check your eligibility with the provincial Government of Canada. If eligible, apply for targeted PNP and secure 600 additional points.

Secure an LMIA Job Offer:

Approach Canadian employers for an LMIA job offer which can add up to 200 CRS Points.

Pursue Education in Canada

Study in Canada to attain a maximum of 30 CRS points.
- 1 or 2 year course: 15 Points
- 3 years or more: 30 Points

Add your spouse to your application

Add your spouse or Common-law partner to your PR application. If your spouse's language proficiency is better or has obtained extra band score in language proficiency then you can switch your spouse to be the primary applicant.

Work In Canada

Working in Canada for 1560 hours can be considered as one year of experience in Canada and qualify under a different stream called Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Upon having 3 years of Canadian work experience one can claim up to 80 points for the primary applicant and 10 points for the spouse.

How Can GreenTree Immigration Help You?

Our highly qualified Immigration experts can calculate your CRS Score manually under your presence and help you to understand the functionality of the CRS score for Canada Immigration. This can boost your confidence by a large volume and our Canada visa consultants can also help you assist in boosting your CRS score by our tips. Since we know the process legibly we cut to the chase and make sure you understand the process easily.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the CRS score in Canada?

Ans : The CRS is a point system used by the Canadian Immigration Department to rank and select the Immigrants. It is used to determine your eligibility to receive an invitation to apply (ITA) for Canadian permanent residency.

How is the CRS score calculated?

The CRS score is calculated based on four main factors: core human capital factors, spouse or common-law partner factors, skills transferability factors, and additional points. The maximum CRS score is 1200 points.

What is the minimum CRS score for Canadian Express Entry?

The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score required for Canadian Express Entry varies with each draw conducted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Express Entry is a system that Canada uses to select candidates from a pool of applicants. Those with a higher CRS score than the cutoff will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

What is the maximum CRS score for Canada PR?

The maximum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score for Canada Permanent Residency is 1,200 points.

Is a CRS score calculator accurate?

CRS score calculators estimate a profile's score and should not be considered a guarantee of your actual score. Your final CRS score will be determined by IRCC when you submit your Express Entry profile.

Will the crs score calculator tell me if I'm eligible for Express Entry?

Yes, the CRS score calculator can help you gauge your eligibility for Express Entry by assessing factors like age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and others. However, meeting the minimum CRS score doesn't guarantee an invitation to apply for permanent residence; it depends on factors like the current cutoff score and the number of candidates in the pool.

What is Canadian Immigration Fee for PR?

As of 2021, Charges for the immigration process is 1325CAD$ per Adult applicant. Which includes processing fee and right of permanent residence fee. 225CAD$ per Kid.

What is Canadian Immigration Fee for PR?

Provincial nomination program offers you alternative pathways to permanent residence for Express Entry. They are provinces which offers non express entry streams to immigrate to Canada .

AIPP is a developing pathway to attain PR but this is an employer designated process. This could be another alternate way to attain PR for less IELTS score.

Can I apply for Canadian PR without IELTS?

No, You cannot apply for a PR without IELTS. IELTS is mandatory for PR application

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Eligibility calculator: Canada 67 points Calculator | Canada PR cost Calculator | CRS Calculator | Australia PR calculator | NZ PR Calculator

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