Get to Know About Educational Credential Assessment

Get to Know About Educational Credential Assessment A Complete Guide

Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

Educational Credential Assessments also referred to as credential evaluations, are used in the licensing, education, and immigration processes. To be eligible for entry into Canada under several Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) programs, such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FWSP) via Express Entry, applicants must submit an ECA. This program requires applicants to have at least the equivalent of a Canadian high school diploma.

Universities, institutions, and businesses throughout the world utilize ECA to assess applicants for admission or employment and to learn about overseas education. ECA confirms that the candidate obtained a legitimate education degree and is on the level with students in Canada. This is the most crucial step in the immigration process. The Express Entry Program requires the submission of these certificates.

Who needs ECA?

Candidates who received their diploma outside of Canada should contact Educational Credential Assessments for a certificate (ECA) if they want to apply to the Federal Skilled Workers Program(FSWP) or gain points for any education obtained outside of Canada. The ECA is not necessary if the applicant received their education and certification in Canada. An ECA is mostly required for the highest level of education. 

How to Apply for ECA?

How to Apply for ECA

The Canadian government does not evaluate credentials from outsiders. As of April 2013, the CIC has instead chosen seven credential evaluation organizations to offer assessments to people applying for immigration to Canada. The Alliance of Evaluation Services of Canada includes these approved organizations as members.  The candidates need to apply to one of the following recognized organizations:

  • The School of Continuing Studies, the University of Toronto – CES
  • The International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS)
  • World Education Services (WES).
  • The International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology(BCIT) -International CES
  • The Medical Council of Canada(specialist physician/general practitioner/family physician)
  • The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada(Pharmacists)

The candidate will receive a report outlining how comparable the education is to one in Canada.

Also read: How to choose the best immigration consultant in India?

Cost to apply for ECA

The applicants must obtain an ECA for immigration purposes from a designated organization to submit an application for immigration to Canada. The cost of an ECA for Canada is determined by each selected organization. Some organizations demand 200 Canadian dollars with additional delivery charges. The mode of delivery may also affect the delivery charge. 

Depending on the candidates’ educational backgrounds, the price will change. When applying for a primary medical diploma, the price will be higher compared to other education. When approaching professional organizations, they allocate certain costs based on the candidates’ education and background. 

Name of the Organization Cost (CAD $)
The School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto – CES 210 per credential
The International Credential Assessment Service of Canada(ICAS) 200 per credential
World Education Services (WES)  240 per credential
The International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) 220  per credential
British Columbia Institute of Technology(BCIT) – International CES 230 per credential
The Medical Council of Canada(Specialist Physician/General Practitioner/Family Physician)  370 per credential 
The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (Pharmacists) 685 per credential 

Each designated organization or professional body has a different deadline for evaluating your education. It can take several weeks to months. The cost of the entire procedure of ECA may vary for each designated council. For more information, speak with the professionals or visit the official websites.

Reduce the ECA Costs

It is noticeable that the cost of getting an education evaluation is pretty expensive and varies depending on the chosen organization. Here are some suggestions to lower the price of the evaluation certification.

  1. Hire the best consultant to apply.
  2. Select the designated organization wisely.
  3. Pay attention to shipping and delivery costs.
  4. Apply for all degrees in one application.
  5. Never apply for Spouse ECA.


Things to be noted:

Every process requires that the applicant be aware of the steps and carry them out appropriately under the direction of the best consultant.

Applicants should keep the following factors in mind before applying for an educational credential: 

  1. Keep the original copies of any documents you need to sustain your application, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and so on.
  2. Acquire precise explanations of all entry procedures from the selected immigration consultant.
  3. An ECA is only valid for five years after being issued. It must be renewed at the end of the fifth year. 
  4. Aim to lower the cost of evaluating credentials with the assistance of the best immigration consultant.  

Recommended ECA Organization:

For obtaining ECA, Canada WES (World Education Services) is advised by many immigrant consultancies since they charge comparatively low and have the fastest processing times. While applying to pharmacists and physicians, ECA should be applied to the respective organization. Regardless of the selected organization, the review process won’t start until they have the required paperwork from the candidate. The evaluation can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Green Tree Immigration’s Helping hand:

Before forwarding your documents to the Educational Credential Assessments(ECA), Green Tree Immigration analyzes them for further procedures. Without a consultant, a lot of money could be lost in the event of a bad report. We will assist you in applying and obtaining WES Education Assessment credentials quickly and easily. We are conscious of your standard delivery fees. We are experts in managing ECA Canada credentials for our clients. 

We can help you determine whether you need an ECA or not to apply for Canadian immigration. Still, have questions? Just give us a call. Our ECA experts will walk you through the process from start to finish.

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